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Caltech Takes First Place 3 Years In a Row - 46 US and 11 UK Schools Ranked in Top 100 World University Rankings

The Times Higher Education, UK, publishes annually the World University Rankings. For year 2013-2014, the ranking announced yesterday, October 2.
Caltech (California Institution of Technology) takes the first place for three consecutive years. And Harvard and University of Oxford (UK) share the second place. By Region, North America (US and Canada)has mostly 50 schools in the top 100 world ranking. Europe has 35 schools from UK,Netherlands, Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Finland and Sweden. And 11 schools from Asia including South Korea, China, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore and 5 Australia schools are included in the top 100 list.

 Next Table shows colleges and universities ranked in top 100 world university rankings.
RankSchool NameCountryScore
1California Institute of TechnologyUnited States94.9
2University of OxfordUnited Kingdom93.9
2Harvard UniversityUnited States93.9
4Stanford UniversityUnited States93.8
5Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyUnited States93
6Princeton UniversityUnited States92.7
7University of CambridgeUnited Kingdom92.3
8University of California, BerkeleyUnited States89.8
9University of ChicagoUnited States87.8
10Imperial College LondonUnited Kingdom87.5
11Yale UniversityUnited States87.4
12University of California, Los AngelesUnited States86.3
13Columbia UniversityUnited States85.2
14ETH Zurich ? Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ZurichSwitzerland84.5
15Johns Hopkins UniversityUnited States83.7
16University of PennsylvaniaUnited States81
17Duke UniversityUnited States79.3
18University of MichiganUnited States79.2
19Cornell UniversityUnited States79.1
20University of TorontoCanada78.3
21University College LondonUnited Kingdom77.6
22Northwestern UniversityUnited States77.1
23The University of TokyoJapan76.4
24Carnegie Mellon UniversityUnited States76
25University of WashingtonUnited States73.4
26National University of SingaporeSingapore72.4
27University of Texas at AustinUnited States72.2
28Georgia Institute of TechnologyUnited States71.6
29University of Illinois at Urbana ChampaignUnited States71.4
30University of Wisconsin-MadisonUnited States71.1
31University of British ColumbiaCanada70.8
32London School of Economics and Political ScienceUnited Kingdom69.8
33University of California, Santa BarbaraUnited States68.4
34University of MelbourneAustralia68.2
35McGill UniversityCanada68.1
36Karolinska InstituteSweden67.8
37Ecole Polytechnique Federale de LausanneSwitzerland67.7
38King's College LondonUnited Kingdom67.6
39University of EdinburghUnited Kingdom67.5
40New York UniversityUnited States67.4
40University of California, San DiegoUnited States67.4
42Washington University in St LouisUnited States67.2
43The University of Hong KongHong Kong65.3
44Seoul National UniversityRepublic of Korea65.2
45Peking UniversityChina65
46University of MinnesotaUnited States64.9
47University of North Carolina at Chapel HillUnited States64.5
48Australian National UniversityAustralia64.4
49Pennsylvania State UniversityUnited States64.2
50Tsinghua UniversityChina63.5
50Boston UniversityUnited States63.5
52Kyoto UniversityJapan63.2
52Brown UniversityUnited States63.2
52University of California, DavisUnited States63.2
55Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat MunchenGermany63.1
56Korea Advanced Institute of Science and TechnologyRepublic of Korea62.9
57Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyHong Kong62.5
58University of ManchesterUnited Kingdom62.3
59Ohio State UniversityUnited States62
60Pohang University of Science and TechnologyRepublic of Korea61.7
61KU LeuvenBelgium61.3
62Purdue UniversityUnited States60.7
63University of Queensland AustraliaAustralia59.9
63Georg-August-Universitat GottingenGermany59.9
65Ecole Normale SuperieureFrance59.8
65Rice UniversityUnited States59.8
67Leiden UniversityNetherlands59.4
68Universitat HeidelbergGermany59.2
69Delft University of TechnologyNetherlands59.1
70Ecole PolytechniqueFrance59
70University of Southern CaliforniaUnited States59
72University of SydneyAustralia58.8
73Erasmus University RotterdamNetherlands58.1
74Utrecht UniversityNetherlands57.7
74Universitat BaselSwitzerland57.7
76Nanyang Technological UniversitySingapore57.2
77Wageningen University and Research CenterNetherlands56.8
78University of PittsburghUnited States56.7
79University of BristolUnited Kingdom56.3
80Durham UniversityUnited Kingdom56.1
80Emory UniversityUnited States56.1
80Tufts UniversityUnited States56.1
83University of AmsterdamNetherlands55.9
83Michigan State UniversityUnited States55.9
85Ghent UniversityBelgium55.5
86Freie Universitat BerlinGermany55.3
87Technische Universitat MunchenGermany55.2
88Case Western Reserve UniversityUnited States55
88Vanderbilt UniversityUnited States55
90University of Notre DameUnited States54.7
91Monash UniversityAustralia54.6
92McMaster UniversityCanada54.5
93University of California, IrvineUnited States54.1
94Humboldt-Universitat zu BerlinGermany53.8
95University of RochesterUnited States53.6
96Universite Pierre et Marie CurieFrance53.5
97University of Colorado BoulderUnited States53.4
98University of GroningenNetherlands52.9
98Maastricht UniversityNetherlands52.9
100University of HelsinkiFinland52.6
100University of YorkUnited Kingdom52.6


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