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Top 25 Colleges - Number of Male Applicants

This table shows top 25 ranking schools for the number of male applicants in last year. Due to the lack of data (shcools did not response), some schools are dropped from the table even though they had more applicants.
Data Source : univstats

Top 25 Schools - Number of Male Applicants

Table. Top 25 Colleges - Male Applicants
Institution NameCityStateNumber of Applicants
University of California-Los AngelesLos AngelesCA28,289
University of California-BerkeleyBerkeleyCA24,473
Drexel UniversityPhiladelphiaPA23,059
University of California-San DiegoLa JollaCA22,296
St John's University-New YorkQueensNY21,909
Pennsylvania State University-Main CampusUniversity ParkPA21,192
University of California-IrvineIrvineCA20,790
University of California-Santa BarbaraSanta BarbaraCA20,722
University of Michigan-Ann ArborAnn ArborMI20,643
University of California-DavisDavisCA19,791
Northeastern UniversityBostonMA19,739
Cornell UniversityIthacaNY19,552
California State University-Long BeachLong BeachCA19,090
San Diego State UniversitySan DiegoCA19,023
University of Minnesota-Twin CitiesMinneapolisMN18,843
Harvard UniversityCambridgeMA18,062
California Polytechnic State University-San Luis ObispoSan Luis ObispoCA17,838
Stanford UniversityStanfordCA17,817
University of Southern CaliforniaLos AngelesCA17,297
Purdue University-Main CampusWest LafayetteIN17,069
New York UniversityNew YorkNY16,660
University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphiaPA16,283
Indiana University-BloomingtonBloomingtonIN16,067
Baylor UniversityWacoTX16,019
Tulane University of LouisianaNew OrleansLA15,959


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